One Time EFT Payments |
You can enter One Time EFT Payments using a ‘fill in the blanks’ payment entry screen. Payments may be same currency from CAD and USD domestic accounts. |
Creating a One Time EFT Payment |
1. From the Payments menu, select EFT, then click on One Time EFTs to access the Create One Time EFT Payment screen.
2. From the drop down list, select a Payment Group.
Payments created with the EFT service must be associated to a Payment Group. The payment group provides the Agreement ID, Long Name, Short Name and Chargeback Account for all payments associated to that payment group. This information cannot be modified for individual payments within the group.
A new payment group can be created or an existing payment group can be modified by clicking on the appropriate link next to the Payment Group field.
For more information, please refer to Payment Groups.
The Due Date
for the payment will default to the current date. Using the The due date for debit and credit transactions can be future dated up to 60 calendar days. The due date may be backdated up to 170 calendar days for debit transactions and up to 30 calendar days for credit transactions.
4. Enter the Institution Code and Transit of the Payee/Payor Bank and the Payee/Payor’s Account Number.
5. Enter the amount of the payment.
Note: The currency of the payment (CAD or USD) will default based on the Payment Group/Agreement ID selected.
6. The type of payment (i.e. Debit or Credit) will default based on the Payment Group selected, but may be changed for an individual payment.
7. Enter the full Name and Address of the Payee/Payor.
8. You must enter a Cross Reference for the Payee/Payor.
9. The CPA code will default based on the Payment Group you have selected, but may be updated for an individual payment.
10. Sundry Information
11. You may enter the following optional information:
Payee/Payor Details If entered, the following information will be displayed on reports of Pending EFT Payments and EFT Payment history and will be included when you download your EFT payment transactions. - Contact name - Phone number - Fax number
Additional Information This field is for your internal use only. Information that is entered will not be sent to the bank with the payment, but will be displayed on transaction reports and included when you download your EFT Payment transactions.
12. When you have finished entering the required information, click on the Save button at the top of the screen. If all required information was entered correctly, the following message will appear: ‘Payment was successfully created’, along with a Reference Number.
13. Click ‘OK’. The Create One Time EFT Payment screen will be refreshed.
14. You can repeat steps 1 to 12 to enter another payment
Click on the Done button if you do not want to enter additional payments.
15. Check the status of the payments you have entered on the Pending EFT Payments screen.
· Payments in ‘Entered’ status must be approved by at least one authorized user before they can be submitted to the Bank. · Payments in ‘Ready’ status are ready to be submitted to the Bank.
Related Topics |
One Time EFT Payments
EFT Payment Groups
Adding New EFT Payment Templates
Approving EFT Payment Templates
Modifying/Deleting Pending EFT Payments
EFT Payment Template Maintenance
EFT Payment History
File Export - EFT Payment Templates
File Import - EFT Payments
EFT Payments Upload File Layout
EFT Payments - Group Information – Service Privilege Details
EFT Payment Reports
Pending EFT Payments
Service Information – EFT Payments
Template Maintenance
Chargeback Accounts