Group Information – Service Privilege Details – Wire Payments


The Group Information – Service Privilege Details – Wire Payments screen enables you to assign group access to the functions and accounts that are associated with the Wire Payments service. 


The screen displays the following information:

·         Group Name

·         Service Name

·         Hours of Operation

·         Approval Authority/Limits

·         Functions belonging to the Wire Payments service

·         Accounts associated with the service


Pending Services

ScotiaConnect will require a second approval when adding the wire payments service to a user group or adding a function to a group.


When you add the wire payments service to a group it will show up with a status of ‘Pending’ under the Pending Services column on the Group information screen, until approval is provided by another user.


Approval settings belonging to the Wire Payments service

If you would like to give a group the authority to approve wire payment transactions and pre-approved wire payment templates, click on the checkbox next to Approval Authority at the top of the Group Information – Service Privilege Details – Wire  Payments screen.  The following fields will be displayed:


Approval settings apply to both Wire Payments and WIre Payment Templates

The Approver option can be set to either:

a)       Approval Must Come From a User in a Different Group

(If selected then the User who approves a payment must be in a different Group than the User who entered the payment)

b)       Must be a Different User

Note:  If you need to change your Approval option you will need to contact your Relationship manager.



1.       You must enter an Approval Limit per Day and an Approval Limit per Transaction for the Users in eachthis Group that is set up.


2.       The Number of Approvals Required/Tiers are displayed ‘For Information Only’.

Note:  If the minimum/maximum number of approvals must be ‘2’ at the Service level. To use the wire service you must have at least two users with approval authority.


Functions belonging to the Wire Payments service:

The Wire Payments feature allows users to make payments to third party beneficiaries.


If a group has been granted access to a function within a service, a check mark will be displayed in the Assign column next to the function.  To assign group access to a function, click on the checkbox beside the function.


Remember for the super user group all functions are assigned and you cannot remove functions from the SuperUser group.


The following functions are associated with this service:

Wire Payments

One Time Wire Payments

Enables users to enter free-form wire payment instructions.

Wire Payments from Templates

Enables users to enter payments using templates that have been set up on the system.

Modify Wires Created by Other Users

Allows a user to make changes to pending wire payments that were entered by another user.

Batch Approval for Wires

Enables users to approve a number of payments at the same time.

Sign/Submit Wire Payments

Allows users to submit wire payments to the Bank for processing.

Delete Wire Payments

Enables a user to delete wire payments from the Pending Wire Payments screen.

Cancel Future Dated

Enables a user to cancel a future dated payment that has not yet been processed by the Bank.  Future dated payments can be cancelled up until the day before the execution date.

Template Maintenance

Create Templates

Enables a user to set up payment templates for beneficiaries that are paid on a regular basis.

Modify Templates Created by Other Users

Allows a user to makes changes to wire payment templates that have been set up by another user.

Delete Templates

Enables a user to delete templates from the Wire Payment Template Maintenance screen.

Wire Payment History

Allows a user to view and print reports of wire payment transactions that have been submitted to the Bank for processing (including future dated transactions)

Wire Memos

Enables users to send messages to/receive messages from the bank’s Payments Department regarding wire payment transactions.

Wire Payment Import

Enables users to import information to create One Time Wire Payments or Wire Payments from Templates.

Wire Payment Export

Enables users to export wire payment transaction history and wire payment templates.


Accounts belonging to the Wire Payments service


The accounts associated with the Wire Payments service are listed at the bottom of the Group Information – Service Privilege Details – Wire Payments screen.  To allow group access to an account when using the Wire Payments service


To assign an account to a service click the check box under the Assign column.



You can make multiple changes to each group without saving your changes. But once you are done you must save all your changes.


To save your changes, click on the Continue button to go back to the Group Information Privileges screen


To save your changes click Save button then click the Done button.



  Related Topics
Help Index
Getting Additional Help

Group Information

My Services

One Time Wire Payments

Wire Payments from Templates

Approving Wire Payments

Signing/Submitting Wire Payments

Modifying/Deleting Pending Wire Payments

Canceling Future Dated Payments

Wire Payment Template Maintenance

Wire Payment History

Wire Payment Memos

Wire Payments File Export

Wire Payment Templates File Export

Wire Payments File Import