Integrated Payments Help

Pending Payments

This section allows you to view and action Pending Payment(s).

Pending Payment Details

This section allows you to do a variety of functions for pending payments including, view, modify, approve, delete, enable, disable and submit pending payments.

Steps to Follow

There are several options available from the Pending Payment Details page.

Pending Payments page

  1. On the ‘Pending Payments’ page, after setting your search filters and clicking on the ”Search” button the Search Results will be display at the lower portion of the page, sorted by “Service Group/Payment Type” (default) or the sort order you selected.
  2. To view details of the payments for the groupings displayed:
    • Clicking on the name in the “Service Group Name/ Payment Type” will cause the “Pending Payment Details” page to load with a list of all the payments contained in that Service Group (including different payments types, if applicable).
    • Clicking on the arrow icon beside a name in the “Service Group Name/ Payment Type” will cause the display to expand and display the different payment types contained in that Service Group.  Clicking on the Payment Type name will cause the “Pending Payment Details” page to load with a list of just the payments of that type, within that Service Group.

Pending Payment Details page

  1. On the Payment Details page you can action pending payments by selecting the payment(s) you would like to action by clicking on the check box in the left column or clicking on the ‘Select All’ check box at the top of the column.  Next choose “Approve”, “Delete”, “Enable”, “Disable” or “Submit” from the ‘Select Action’ drop down and click on the “Go” button to execute the action.   
    • Approve – selected Pending Payments can be approved
    • Delete – selected Pending Payments can be deleted
    • Disable– selected Pending Payments can be disabled
    • Enable– selected Pending Payments can be enabled
    • Submit – selected Pending Payments can be submitted to the bank
    • Copy – selected Pending Payments can be copied
    • Modify Date – selected Pending Payments “Due/Issue Date” can be modified
    • You also have the following options:

    • To Copy an existing payment from the list, click on the “Copy” text link on the same row as that payment.
    • To Modify an existing payment from the list, click on the “Modify” text link on the same row as that payment.
  2. On the Payment Details page you also have these optional actions.
    • The “Search” button allows you to refine your pending payment search list.
    • The “Reset” button resets your search filters back to their default settings.
    • The “Cancel” button returns you to the ‘Pending Payments Main’ page.

Definition of Search Filters

  • Payment Type:  select from All Payment types, ACH, EDI, EFT, Wire and Remittance Advice.
  • Status allows you to refine your search list to a smaller number of payments based on the Status of your payments.
  • Account: the Settlement accounts will be available to you for the EFT, EDI and ACH Payment Services, based on access privileges. For the Wire Payment Service, the list will contain Debit Accounts, based on access privileges.
  • Service Group: lists the existing active and inactive Service Groups available to you, based on your access privileges.
  • Recipient Name: the system will search for all matching payments if at least one character is entered.
  • Vendor Number: enter the number for the Vendor of the payment or of the associated payment of stand-alone advices.
  • Amount: can be entered in $9,999.99, 9,999.99 or 9999.99 formats, either a single amount (first entry box) or a range by putting an amount in both boxes.
  • Due/Issue Date: search by a variety of dates – All Dates, Current Day, Prior Day, Current Week or Last Week.  For ACH, EDI and EFT payments this represents the Due Date.  For Wire payments this represents the Value Date.
  • Batch ID: originating Batch ID for batch payments. The system will search for any matching batch IDs that start with entered value.
  • Payment/Cross Reference Number: Payment Number of a payment/ stand-alone advice or Reference Number for Wire Payments. The system will search for all matching Payment/Cross Reference Numbers if at least one character is entered.
  • File ID: originating File ID for batch payments. The system will search for any matching File IDs that start with the value entered.

Sort Order

The default display order of the Search Results is by Date.  ScotiaConnect will allow you to select up to 3 filters then choose whether the list is “ascending” or “descending”.

Definition of Search Results Column Headers

  • Date: based on Payment Type; Settlement Date for EFT, EDI and ACH or Value Date for Wires.
  • Recipient: shows Recipient Names for each payment.
  • Payment Type: indicates the type of payment.
  • RA: indicates if a payment has an attached Remittance Advice.
  • Payment / Cross Reference: Payment Number of the matching payment/advice or Reference Number for a Wire Payment.
  • Account: for EFT, EDI and ACH, this column shows the Settlement Account.  For Wire Payments, it will display the Debit Account.
  • Amount: this column shows the Payment Amount.
  • Dr/Cr: this column shows if the payment is Debit or a Credit.
  • Service Group: this column shows the name of the Service Group that the users are involved in for that payment.
  • Status: See Payment Status Reference Table below.

Payment Status Reference Table


The payment has been successfully validated and processed.

Approved 1

The payment received one approval but requires further approvals.

Approved 2

The payment received two approvals but requires further approval.


The payment has been fully processed.


The payment has been entered and then subsequently deleted without having been submitted for processing.


The payment has been disabled by a user.


The payment has been entered and must be approved before it can be sent for processing.


The payment has been rejected during an initial payment validation.  An error message will be displayed advising the user why the payment failed.


Payments are “pending” when they have one of the following statuses: Entered, Approved 1, Approved 2, Ready, Disabled, or Failed.   Pending payments are displayed on the Pending Search screen with one of the listed statuses.


The payment has been submitted, but has not yet been processed.  


The payment is ready to be submitted for processing.


The file failed initial validation.


A future dated payment which has been cancelled by the user.

Future Dated

The payment has been sent for processing but the execution date is a future date and will be warehoused in ScotiaConnect until that date.

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