Viewing/Printing the Details of a Stop Payment


If a stop payment has not been transmitted to the Bank, or if the stop payment has just been transmitted but you have not yet exited the Stop Payments screen, you can view the details from the Stop Payments screen. 


After a stop payment has been transmitted to the Bank, you can access the details from the Stop Payment History screen.


1.       From the Services menu, select Stop Payments to access the Stop Payments screen.


2.       If the payment has not been transmitted, the payment details can be viewed under the Pending Stop Payments section:


a)       Click on the stop payment in the Stop Criteria column to access the Stop Payment Detail window. 


3.       If the payment has already been transmitted to the Bank and no longer appears on the Pending Stop Payment  section:

a)       Click on the History link in the upper left corner of the Stop Payments screen to access the Stop Payment History screen.

b)       Click on the stop payment in the Stop Criteria column to access the Stop Payment Detail window. 



4.       The Stop Payment Detail window displays the following information:

-                     Account Number

-                     Enter Date

-                     Entered By

-                     Approve Date

-                     Approved By

-                     Remove Date

-                     Removed By

-                     Stop Criteria (cheque number and amount)

-                     Cheque Date

-                     Payee Name

-                     Processed Date

-                     Ticket Number

-                     Status


5.       To print the details of the stop payment, click on the Print button.



Note:  If any of the information on the Stop Payment Detail screen is incorrect and the stop payment has not been transmitted to the Bank, the stop payment order can be deleted.


If a stop payment has already been transmitted, the status is Accepted, but you no longer want the Stop Payment lodged on your account, then you must Remove the stop payment order. 


Related Topics
Overview of Stop Payments

Entering and Transmitting a Stop Payment Order
Approving and Transmitting a Stop Payment

Deleting a Stop Payment Order

Removing a Stop Payment Order

Checking Your Stop Payment History
Stop Payment Approval Levels