Customizing the Consolidated Cash Plan Report


You can customize the Consolidated Cash Plan Report to display information that suits your needs.  You can save your settings under a unique Report ID that you can use each time you print the report. 


1.       From the Reporting menu, select Consolidated Cash Plan.


2.       On the Consolidated Cash Plan screen, click on the create link to access the ‘Create a Custom Consolidated Cash Plan screen.


3.       In the Report ID field, enter the name of the new report.


4.       To assign a cash plan to the report, highlight the plan in the Plans Available list and click on the  >  button; to remove an assigned cash plan, highlight the plan in the Plans Assigned list and click on the  <  button.


5.       When you have finished assigning accounts to the Report ID, click on the Submit button.  You will be returned to the Consolidated Cash Plan screen and the new Report ID will appear as an option on the Reports dropdown menu.



Related Topics

About the Consolidated Cash Plan Report

Printing the Consolidated Cash Plan Report

Setting a Consolidated Cash Plan Default

Modifying/Deleting a Consolidated Cash Plan Report ID