Modifying/Deleting a Consolidated Cash Plan Report ID


If the parameters you have set up for a particular Report ID are no longer useful, you can modify or delete the Report ID.


1.       On the Consolidated Cash Plan screen, select the Report ID that you want to modify/delete from the Reports dropdown menu.


2.       Click on the modify link to access the ‘Modify a Custom Consolidated Cash Plan’ screen.


3.       To modify the Report ID:

·         You can assign additional plans to the Report ID by highlighting the plans in the Plans Available list and clicking on the  >  button.  To remove plans, highlight the plans in the Plans Assigned list and click on the  <  button. 

·         Click on the Submit button to save your changes.


4.       To delete the Report ID:

  • Click on the Delete button.

The following message appears:  Delete Report ID?

  • Click ‘OK’


The Report ID and the settings saved within the ID will be deleted.



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Printing the Consolidated Cash Plan Report

Setting a Consolidated Cash Default

Customizing the Consolidated Cash Plan Report