About the Consolidated Cash Plan Report


The Consolidated Cash Plan Report is divided into 2 sections:


Activity Report:  shows up-to-the-minute details about deposits made by your agents through Scotiabank's Consolidated Cash Plan.


Non-Reporting Agents:  displays a list of those agents who have not yet made deposits at the time of the report.



Example:  The Head Office of a retail chain store could run the Consolidated Balance Report to find out how much each store in the chain has deposited, and which stores have not yet made deposits.



When you run the Consolidated Cash Plan Report you can:

a)      Select an existing Report ID for which parameters have already been set up.

b)      Set-up new parameters and save them under a new Report ID.

c)      Select an individual Consolidated Cash Plan to receive information on.



Related Topics

Printing the Consolidated Cash Plan Report

Setting a Consolidated Cash Default

Customizing the Consolidated Cash Plan Report

Modifying/Deleting a Consolidated Cash Plan Report ID