Force Matching Outstanding Cheques


You may force match outstanding issued and paid cheques that meet your selected criteria.


Force Matches may be required:


Between an issued and paid cheque:

Note:  Canadian Payments Associations standards only permit cheques with encoding errors greater than +/-$20.00 to be returned to the negotiating bank for correction.  Encoding errors less than +/-$20.00 are absorbed by you or the your branch, which ever is negotiated by you.


For an issued cheque only (e.g. voiding an item);

Note:  A ‘voided cheque’ is a cheque that has not yet been physically dispatched by you.  Cheques that are otherwise missing must have a stop payment placed against them.  If you have already imported the cheque prior to placing a stop payment request via Scotiaconnect, then the issued cheque will be removed from the Outstanding Issued Cheque list and place on the Matched Cheques list with a Matched Reason: Cheque Stopped.


For a paid cheque only (e.g. manually issued cheque that was not uploaded to ScotiaConnect) 

Alternatively, you may input an individual issued cheque via the Issued Cheque Maintenance screen.



To Force Match:

1.       On the lower half of the Outstanding Cheque screen, place a check mark in the Match field beside the cheque(s) that you want to match.

Note: Multiple issued cheques or paid cheques may be selected for Force Matching provided all cheques share the same reason code.


2.       Click on the Force Match button. 

The Match Reason window will appear displaying the details of the cheques selected from the Outstanding Cheques screen.


3.       From the Reason dropdown menu, select an appropriate reason code.



Related Topics

Outstanding Cheques

File Upload

Issued Cheque Maintenance

Matched Cheques