Modifying / Deleting a Consolidated Balance Report ID:


If the parameters you have set up for a particular Report ID are no longer useful, you can modify or delete the Report ID.


1.       On the Consolidated Balance Report screen, select the Report ID you want to modify/delete from the Reports dropdown menu.


2.       Click on the modify link to access the ‘Modify a Custom Consolidated Balance Report’ screen.


3.       To modify the Report ID:

·         You can add a new report group by entering the new Group Name and clicking on the Add Group button.   This will take you to the ‘Add a Consolidated Balance Reporting Group’ screen where you can assign accounts to the group. 

·         You can modify an existing report group.  Click on the group under the Report Group column to access the ‘Modify a Consolidated Balance Reporting Group’ screen.  On this screen you can assign additional accounts to the group or remove accounts from the group.

·         Click on [delete] next to a group if you want to remove that group from the report.

·         To change the order in which the groups are displayed on the report, click on the Group Order button.

·         When you have finished making any desired changes, click on the Save button.


4.       To delete the Report ID:

·         Click on the Delete button.

The following message will appear:  Delete this report?

·         Click ‘OK’.


The Report ID and the settings saved within the ID will be deleted.


Related Topics

Customizing the Consolidated Balance Report

Viewing/Printing the Consolidated Balance Report

Setting a Consolidated Balance Report Default
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