Upload Files


Upload Files allows authorized users to upload and submit (if approval option is off) files to ScotiaConnect. Users can browse and upload up to 5 files at a time, and can repeat the upload operation as many times as needed. Maximum size of an individual file is 100Mb.


Upload Files


       Agreement ID is the number associated with your various services available on ScotiaConnect (ex. ECS, EFT…). You can choose an agreement option from the Agreement ID drop down. Available options depend on the products that are linked to the specific ScotiaConnect you are using.


       Trancode. Available trancodes will be displayed for the selected Agreement IDs. You can also set default Trancodes for the available Agreement IDs. These trancodes will be displayed automatically next time you select the corresponding Agreement IDs. You can also override a pre-set trancode from the available list.


       Click Browse to select files from your computer to be uploaded. Click Reset if you would like to clear the field and select a different file on your computer to be uploaded.


       Click Upload to upload selected files. The Upload Files: Processing page displays associated information, including file size, count, ticket number and status. If any of the files fail the upload, you can view the failed reason by moving over the status.


       Click Upload More Files to return to the Upload Files page.

Click Confirm Submit to submit ‘ready’ files for processing. This option will only be available if the approval option is off. Please insert your token, enter your password and then click on Confirm Submit if you would like to submit the displayed files.

If the approval option is on, you will need to approve files in the Pending Files section before submission.


       Click Done to go to Pending Files.


Related Topics

File Delivery. Download Files/Reports
File Delivery. Pending Files

File Delivery. Upload History