Alerts Help

Create or Modify Custom Alerts

As part of your ScotiaConnect service, there are a set of standard alerts regarding typical transactions that display on your homepage in the Alerts section and in the Message Centre. You can also create your own custom alerts, which you can modify or delete as needed.

You can opt to have any standard or custom alert emailed to you and/or shared with any User Group you choose.

Create custom alerts

Navigate to Reporting and then select Alerts in the sub-menu. There you will see a “Create Alerts” button in the upper right area of the page. On click, it opens a modal window with a form to set up various types of alerts that suit your needs.

How to Create Alerts:

  1. First, select the category. Your choices are: Balance, Transaction or Service. The form may adjust depending on your selection.
  2. After you choose the alert category, you will see Available Account IDs appear in the left-hand box
    • If you select Balance the form will remain the same—go to step 3.
    • If you select Transaction the form will then display a Transaction Type drop menu. Please select one.
    • If you select Service the form will then display a Service drop menu and a Status drop menu. Please make a selection for both.
  3. Highlight and move any or all accounts to the box on the right to select
  4. Then decide if you want the alert to be equal to, less than or greater than a specific amount
  5. Input that specific amount
  6. Check if you would like an Email to also be sent
  7. Choose if you would like to share the alert with a User Group
    • If Yes, then the ability to choose the User Group will appear. Highlight and move any or all User Groups to the box on the right to select.
    • If No, move on to step 8.
  8. Click the “Save” button to complete your alert creation. Select “cancel” to discard and close the window.

Modify a custom alert

Navigate to Reporting and then select Alerts in the sub-menu where you can select custom alerts and click the “Search” button. If you previously created any Custom Alerts, they will appear in the search results.

Unlike standard alerts, the names of custom alerts are links. Click the link name of the custom alert you would like to modify, and it will open a modal window with a form very similar to the Create Alerts form mentioned in the section above.

You cannot modify the previously selected category (balance, transaction or service) but you may:

  1. Highlight and move the Account IDs either left or right in order to remove or add any or all.
  2. Change whether the alert is equal to, greater than or less than a specific amount.
  3. Adjust the specific amount
  4. Select or deselect whether you want to Send Email
  5. Change if you want to now Share Alert or not
    • If Yes, then the ability to choose the User Group will appear. Highlight and move any or all User Groups to the box on the right to select.
    • If No, move on to step 6.
  6. Click the “Save” button to complete your alert modification. Select “cancel” to discard and close the window.

Finally, you can view the alert’s Change History. Simply click the View History link in the upper right of the modal window to toggle the view. There you will see a list including the date and time the alert was changed and who changed it.

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