Canceling Future Dated Wire Payments


Wire payment instructions can be sent to the Bank up to 30 days in advance.  The Bank will warehouse the payments and process on the appropriate execution date.

You can cancel future dated payment instructions any time up to, but not including the execution date of the payment.


To cancel a future dated payment:

1.       From the Payments menu select Wire Payments, then click on History to access the Wire Payment History screen.

2.       From the drop down in the Status field, select Future Dated.

3.       Press the Search button.

4.       Click on the Reference Number of the Future Dated payment to access the Wire Payment Detail screen.

5.       Click on the Cancel Wire button at the top of the Wire Payment Detail screen. 

The following message will appear: “Are you sure you want to cancel this wire payment?”

6.       Select ‘OK’ to cancel the payment. 

The following message will be displayed at the top of the Wire Payment History page:  ‘Cancellation Successful’.

The status of the transaction will change to ‘Cancelled’ on the Wire Payment History.


 Batch Cancel


The Batch Cancel function can be used to approve a number of payments at once.

1.       On the Wire Payment History Page, click on the Batch Cancel button.  The Batch Cancel screen will appear, listing all future dated wire payments.

2.       Choose the payments you want to cancel by clicking on the check boxes under the Select column.  To select all future date payments, click on Check All above the column.

3.       Click on the Cancel button at the top of the screen.  

The following message will appear:  ‘Are you sure you want to cancel the selected payments?’

4.       Select ‘OK’ to cancel the payments.

5.       The cancellation results will be displayed at the top of the Wire Payment History page and the status of the payments will be updated to ‘Cancelled’.


Related Topics
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Wire Payment History

Wire Payments from Templates

One Time Wire Payments

Signing/Submitting Payments